Conversion (Giyyur)
by Saddoq ben Avraham Avinu
Recognition 1/3/2007
From its inception one of the goals
of the KJU has been to perform
conversions recognized by all Karaite
Jews. One of the most important
modern Karaite institutions is
the Moetzet Hakhamim –Council of
Sages – based out of Ramleh,
Israel which represents Israeli
Karaites and which is itself recognized
by the State of Israel. On
December 27, 2006 an historic meeting
was held between KJU board members
and the Moetzet Hakhamim. In an
earlier meeting Moshe Firouz and Nehemia
Gordon had explained to the Moetzet
Hakhamim the inner workings of the
conversion course. In the recent
meeting Meir Rekhavi, Eliezer Gayer,
and Shawn Lichaa joined Moshe Firouz
and Nehemia Gordon in Israel to
present a formal request to the
Moetzet Hakhamim asking them to
supervise and approve of KJU conversions.
At the end of the historic
meeting, the Moetzet Hakhamim blessed
the activities of the KJU and
stated that they would approve
of the KJU's conversions on a case by
case basis. In accordance with
this decision, the KJU staff is currently
preparing dossiers on every conversion
applicant which will be submitted
to the Moetzet Hakhamim for their
approval. KJU has structured it's
program to meet the 9/2004 Protocols
of Conversion Guidelines.
See the following links for modern conversion to Karaite Israelitism:
Is the Tora Binding Upon the Nations- by Hakham Meir Rekhavi
Four Links from the Karaite Jewish Univeristy on Conversion
Please see the following documents in the 'Studies and References' section of our Google site for verification of this
site administrator's authentic conversion to Karaism as well as the authority given by the Moetseth Hakhamim to the Karaite
Jewish University to conduct conversions to Karaite Judaism:
A Letter by Rabbi 'Ovadya Barukh
Teudath Giyyur
The Process of Conversion